... or in English: I've laid the brain on the shelf. I know, it doesn't have the same ring to it. This will be long. And rambling. Read at your own risk.
For the past two months I've been a stay at home mom. Instead of a gazillion e-mails, telephone calls, rushing between locations for meetings and extracurricular activities, I spend my days gazing into the eyes of my firstborn, changing diapers, watching crappy shows on dvd while breastfeeding, doing endless loads of laundry, strolling down Laugavegur with the pram. I'm loving every minute of it, knowing all too well that this time doesn't return.
As the proud mother of the smartest, funniest and most beautiful baby on the planet, I'm obligated to point my readers towards my flickr page where you can oooh and aaaah at your hearts content. I haven't yet dared to venture towards barnaland.is and I don't think I will. I reserve the right to change my mind at any point in the future though.
Matti and I have been blessed with a baby who hasn't yet caused us any worry or trouble or lack of sleep. She sleeps while we sleep, is happy to drink from either boob or bottle (but only her mother's milk), smiles and laughs and coos and is in every respect perfect. She hasn't started talking yet but I predict it'll be soon. Much like her father, she likes her milk and is growing at an unusually rapid rate, weighing over 6,5 kgs at 9 weeks.
Motherhood has definitely changed me and somehow not at all. I thought I'd become a different person overnight but instead I'm still me, albeit a little more humble and with a reshuffled set of values. When leaving the house for a course I took two weeks back, I was asked if I didn't feel strange leaving the baby. No, I didn't. I was happy to be out and about, seeing different people and confident about leaving Emma with a couple of bottles of milk with Matti, who incidentally is probably the greatest dad on the planet. This, I've been told, does not make me a horrible mother.
I've developed a slight allergy to the time sucking on the internet but vow to do more blogging in the future and perhaps the posts will not be all about Emma...